This is an opportunity to donate to the
Botanical Legal Defense group, actively fighting legislation to make Kratom illegal in the United States. Keith, the owner of ShamansGarden is a Director at the Botanical Legal Defense, and has been actively fighting to Keep Kratom Legal since January of 2014. In fact, he was one of two people at the hearings and on the ground shaking hands with representatives in Springfield, IL, when it came time to fight the legislation seeking to make Kratom a Schedule I (HB 5526) in Illinois.
There are already several victories to report; legislation was killed in Arizona, Oklahoma, and, as mentioned above; Illinois. We are still fighting battles in Wisconsin and Louisiana, as well as a couple of other states that are considering legislation.
The Botanical Legal Defense is the only group who has hired lobbyists in each state that has legislation pending to either mis-categorize Kratom as a "synthetic", incorrectly lumping it in with dangerous designer drugs like "Bath Salts", or incorrectly placing it in Schedule I, which would make it a serious crime to possess Kratom in any form.
Lobbyists are extremely expensive, and each state requires the BLD to hire a lobbyist. The BLD has only 6 Directors, and bills are mounting very quickly. Any donation you can offer, even if it's $1.00, is a dollar more towards paying of the mounting debt. We're truly fighting for you, and since I am one of the Directors at the Botanical Legal Defense, every dollar you donate goes 100% to them; we take no extra charges or handling fees off the top of any donation.
Thanks in advance for considering a donation! Those who donate larger amounts can become Active Members of the BLD, which is outlined on their page here: